Capoeira is a mixture of martial arts and dance, it has African roots but was developed in Brazil by the slaves originating from different African tribes and cultures.
It is the fight for liberation of the slaves of Brazil and nowadays it is tought in over 180 countries in the world.
It is the biggest disseminator of Brazilian culture and Portuguese language in the world and due to its impressive movements has been integrated into many films, soaps, music videos and advertisement.
Group classes with Mestre Tartaruga
Mon, Wed evenings
Group classes with teacher Pardal
Mon, Wed, Fri mornings
8.30 - 9.30
Private classes with Mestre Tartaruga
to be arranged upon contact
Location: community centre Brizolão, Favela do Cantagalo, upper end of the street Estrada do Cantagalo, Ipanema/Copacabana.
Get in touch via email or phone for pick up from the bottom of the hill in Ipanema or Copacabana.
Phone: 21 9 8866 3973